Comments on: “No pain, no gain” Bay Guardian Reviews Shocktoberfest!! 2009 Grand Guignol in San Francisco Sat, 22 Jun 2019 12:13:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Esthefany Thu, 03 Dec 2015 03:01:33 +0000 otherbill – Thanks. I don’t know if your theories about why pepole react to this stuff with laughter or indifference are sound, but I do know that when I hear pepole say, as I have, that when they saw THE EXORCIST for the first time, they just laughed, all I can think is “Um…okay.”I like your theory that they don’t want to look like the woman in the audience. Maybe it’s just a generalization, but it sounds good, at least.However, I think this is more likely the case, because it’s a more observable truth:”For seconds, a lot of pepole just don’t take film- or any art for that matter- all that seriously. They just don’t let it in.”Also, yes, I’ve read the Ellison piece. “The Thick Red Moment”, I believe it’s called. Very hyperbolic indeed — I take most stories about that kind of audience behavior with a grain of salt — but still interesting, and it’s not as though, however much he exaggerated his experience, he wasn’t talking about something that actually occurs.
