For reservations, call: (415) 820-1432 or email us at reservations@thrillpeddlers.com. Be sure to let us know your name, which date you want to attend, and the number of tickets you would like. |
The evening begins with "The Celibate" (Witney, 1945). Originally written for the Granville Theatre, Londons answer to the Theatre du Grand Guignol of Paris, this play was banned by the Lord Chamberlain due to its graphic depiction of sexual perversion and violence. A church Curate wrestles with his addiction to pornography, his lust for young women, his duty to the church, and his relationship with his invalid wife. Who can save him? The cast features Jonathan Gonzalez, Kim Larsen, Terisa Greenan, and Anna May Luke. Directed by Jonathan Gonzalez. | ![]() |
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Next up is "A Visit to Mrs. Birch and the Young Ladies of the Academy" (Anonymous, 1888). Thrillpeddlers are proud to present the U.S. premiere (possibly world premiere) of this classic Victorian spanking drama. Originally published over 100 years ago in "The Whippingham Papers," a collection of stories and verse about flagellation, "Mrs. Birch" celebrates the time-honored tradition of corporal punishment in the schools. Our all-female cast will demonstrate the effects of the Birchen Discipline nightly. Knickers will be dropped. With Joan Elman, Terisa Greenan, Emily Jordan, Robyn Ganeles, Lisa Schreiner, Xana Wolf, Christina Vecchiato, Claire Hulme, and Anna May Luke. Directed by Russell Blackwood. |
Finally, its the Grand Guignol classic "A Crime In A Madhouse" (de Lorde, Binet, 1925). Written by the father of French horror theatre, Andre de Lorde, and his therapist (and inventor of the I.Q. test), Alfred Binet, this play was a favorite at Le Theatre du Grand Guignol for 40 years. On the eve of her release from a French asylum, the young Louise finds herself tormented by the twisted lunatics who share her room. Is she really in danger, or is it all in her mind? Featuring Robyn Ganeles, Jonathan Gonzalez, Kim Larsen, Christina Vecchiato, Terisa Greenan, Stephen Pawley, Robert Chalwell, Le Anne Rumbel, and Lisa Schreiner. Directed by Russell Blackwood. | ![]() |
Warning: This program contains graphic violence and nudity.
No one under 18 will be admitted.
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This site designed and produced by Daniel Zilber
Copyright 1998 - 2002 Thrillpeddlers